Nihilism is a thing.

First of all, I’d like to express how much I rabidly dislike WordPress’ newer CMS. It’s like Legos for retards, in the continuous race to the bottom of capturing all non-skills. I can’t imagine why the more or less direct application of word processing became so challenging that they had to create this onerous “blocks” formatting, which essentially ensures you can’t really format shit. I hate you.

The more I have been exposed to social media, of late, which is still far less than most, given that I really only use one, I remain profoundly disappointed and even disaffected by the choices people make. The self-hype that is mostly illusion. In some cases, the ambition to climb to the top of the heap, when the heap is the problem to begin with. Have you heard that climate change is happening? Oh, well then, by all means – a picture of your unnecessary new pair of shoes is exactly what I’d like to know you’re applying your focus to. I’d be more amenable if it was at the end of the gallery of their house restoration, or garden experiments. Herbal tincture concoctions, or even trash clean-up. But more usually, it follows the picture of a latte.

You can tell I’m getting old. Priorities feel that they should be more essential. I find that my response has shifted in an unexpected way: rather than feel more rigid about my own values, I am feeling more nihilistic. It’s clear that, indeed, nothing I do matters much to anyone but me, so I may as well just do whatever I really like. Or at least, of direct benefit. I clearly can’t do it alone, and I have shit support. Even in the fields for which I have held so much passion, the VAST majority do not share a vision of what is imperative, so it will not happen. I don’t know what has to occur to make the obvious obvious, but I suspect that once it does occur, it will no longer be relevant as a harbinger, but only as a live-stream.

Let it burn. Just let me get to a few more places, first. I’d like to see the pyramids and some blue waters.

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